Vitamin Premixes
Our nutritional premixes are an added value of your products. Responding to the needs of our customers, we offer individualized solutions: mixtures containing minerals, vitamins, plant extracts and many more functional ingredients.
We offer ideas, knowledge as well as guidelines in order to assist our customers in the process of introducing new innovative products. We offer premixes with microelements for various age groups: children, teenagers, women, men and seniors.
We offer premixes with micronutrients for healthy bones and hearts.
Our functional premixes are an important added value of products.
When developing the premixes, we take into consideration both nutritional and legal requirements, on the one hand, and, on the other, the impact of the premix ingredients on the finished marketed product: its stability, taste, colour and consistency.
Our competences and experience in food production help us select appropriate ingredients for our mixtures, thanks to which we develop premixes suitable for a given nutritional product.
Using our premixes in production is price-effective thanks to our long-time knowledge of the global raw material market, our purchasing power as well as reduction of stocks of individual components on the part of the customer. All the above results in lower costs of use of many various raw materials, of research and of marketing of new products, as well as shorter times of delivery.
Our nutritional premixes are designed for enriching many products such as drinks, cereal flakes, snacks, dairy products, sweets, dietary supplements, dietary products, nutraceuticals for athletes and many more…
Nr | Composition | Application |
Premix 1 | L-carnitine | Taurine | Green tea extract | Ginseng root extraxt | Zinc | Selenium | Chrome | protein bars |
Premix 2 | Potassium | Magnesium | Zinc | Creatine | Beta alanine | B1 | B2 | B3 | B5 | B6 | Folic acid | Ginseng root extract | protein bars |
Premix 3 | Calcium | Zinc | Iron | biscuits |
Premix 4 | Lilac extract | Propolis extract | Echinacea extract | Zn | C | E | B3 | A | B6 | D3 | B12 | Biotin | lollipops |
Premix 5 | Iron | C | B6 | B12 | Folic acid | ice creams |
Premix 6 | Iron | C | E | A | (?-carotene) | pasta |
Premix 7 | Caffeine | Inositol | B3 | B5 | B6 | B12 | B2 | energy drinks |
Premix 8 | Caffeine | Inositol | B3 | B5 | B6 | B12 | energy drinks |
Premix 9 | Iron | Zinc | Iodine | functional drinks |
Premix 10 | The three forms of magnesium (gluconate | citrate | carbonate) | functional drinks |
Premix 11 | Magnesium | B6 | B12 | Folic acid | functional drinks |
Premix 12 | Potassium | Calcium | Sodium | Magnesium | isotonic drinks |
Premix 13 | Sodium | Potassium | B3 | B5 | B6 | isotonic drinks |
Premix 14 | Calcium | D3 | fruit drinks for children |
Premix 15 | Guarana seed extract | Inosine | Inositol | Ginseng root extract | Sports nutrition |
Premix 16 | Inositol | PABA | B3 | B5 | B2 | B1 | B6 | Choline | Folic acid | Biotin | B12 | Sports nutrition |
Premix 17 | C | B3 | E | B5 | B6 | B2 | B1 | Folic acid | Biotine | B12 | cloud fruit drinks / milk drinks |
Premix 18 | C | E | B3 | A | B5 | B6 | B2 | B1 | Folic acid | Biotine | D3 | B12 | cloud fruit drinks |
Premix 19 | Iron | C | B3 | E | B6 | B1 | B2 | powder supplements |
Premix 20 | Minerals: K | Ca | Mg | Fe | Zn | Mn | Cu | I | Se | Mo | Cr Vitamins: C | B1 | B2 | B3 | E | B5 | B6 | Folic acid | Biotine | D3 | B12 | powder supplements |
Premix 21 | Zinc | Iodine | fortified waters |
Premix 22 | Zinc | Selenium | C | E | B3 | A | Folic acid | Biotine | D | B12 | jelly beans |
Our nutritional premixes are an added value of your products. Responding to the needs of our customers, we offer individualized solutions: mixtures containing minerals, vitamins, plant extracts and many more functional ingredients.
We offer ideas, knowledge as well as guidelines in order to assist our customers in the process of introducing new innovative products. We offer premixes with microelements for various age groups: children, teenagers, women, men and seniors.
We offer premixes with micronutrients for healthy bones and hearts.
Our functional premixes are an important added value of products.
When developing the premixes, we take into consideration both nutritional and legal requirements, on the one hand, and, on the other, the impact of the premix ingredients on the finished marketed product: its stability, taste, colour and consistency.
Our competences and experience in food production help us select appropriate ingredients for our mixtures, thanks to which we develop premixes suitable for a given nutritional product.
Using our premixes in production is price-effective thanks to our long-time knowledge of the global raw material market, our purchasing power as well as reduction of stocks of individual components on the part of the customer. All the above results in lower costs of use of many various raw materials, of research and of marketing of new products, as well as shorter times of delivery.
Our nutritional premixes are designed for enriching many products such as drinks, cereal flakes, snacks, dairy products, sweets, dietary supplements, dietary products, nutraceuticals for athletes and many more…
Przykłady premixów odżywczych:
Nr | Skład | Zastosowanie |
Premix 1 | L-karnityna | Tauryna | Ekstrakt z zielonej herbaty | Ekstrakt z korzenia żeń-szenia | Cynk | Selen | Chrom | batony proteinowe |
Premix 2 | Potas | Magnez | Cynk | Kreatyna | Beta alanina | B1 | B2 | B3 | B5 | B6 | Kwas foliowy | Ekstrakt z korzenia żeń-szenia | batony proteinowe |
Premix 3 | Wapń | Cynk | Żelazo | biszkopty |
Premix 4 | Ekstrakt z bzu | Ekstrakt z propolisu | Ekstrakt z jeżówki purpurowej | Zn | C | E | B3 | A | B6 | D3 | B12 | Biotyna | lizaki dla dzieci |
Premix 5 | Żelazo | C | B6 | B12 | Kwas foliowy | lody |
Premix 6 | Żelazo | C | E | A | (β-karoten) | makarony |
Premix 7 | Kofeina | Inozytol | B3 | B5 | B6 | B12 | B2 | napoje energetyczne |
Premix 8 | Kofeina | Inozytol | B3 | B5 | B6 | B12 | napoje energetyczne |
Premix 9 | Żelazo | Cynk | Jod | | napoje funkcjonalne |
Premix 10 | Trzy formy magnezu (glukonian | cytrynian | węglan) | napoje funkcjonalne |
Premix 11 | Magnez | B6 | B12 | Kwas foliowy | napoje funkcjonalne |
Premix 12 | Potas | Wapń | Sód | Magnez | napoje izotoniczne |
Premix 13 | Sód | Potas | B3 | B5 | B6 | napoje izotoniczne |
Premix 14 | Wapń | D3 | napoje owocowe dla dzieci |
Premix 15 | Ekstrakt z nasion Guarany | Inozyna | Inozytol | Ekstrakt z korzenia żeń | odżywki dla sportowców |
Premix 16 | Inozytol | PABA | B3 | B5 | B2 | B1 | B6 | Cholina | Kwas foliowy | Biotyna | B12 | odżywki dla sportowców |
Premix 17 | C | B3 | E | B5 | B6 | B2 | B1 | Kwas foliowy | Biotyna | B12 | owocowe mętne napoje / napoje mleczne |
Premix 18 | C | E | B3 | A | B5 | B6 | B2 | B1 | Kwas foliowy | Biotyna | D3 | B12 | owocowe napoje mętne |
Premix 19 | Żelazo | C | B3 | E | B6 | B1 | B2 | suplementy w proszku |
Premix 20 | Minerały: K | Ca | Mg | Fe | Zn | Mn | Cu | I | Se | Mo | Cr Witaminy: C | B1 | B2 | B3 | E | B5 | B6 | Kwas foliowy | Biotyna | D3 | B12 | suplementy w proszku |
Premix 21 | Cynk | Jod | wody wzbogacane |
Premix 22 | Cynk | Selen | C | E | B3 | A | Kwas foliowy | Biotyna | D | B12 | żelki |